If you have purchased some of our creams before, you will have noticed that they’re unlike your conventional, shop bought products in quite a few ways. Texture in the jar, how they melt in your hands, that they dont “dry” instantly once you apply to your face/body, are just a few reasons why! What gives them all of these characteristics, is entirely down to the ingredients.

Many standard shop bought products contain water and have a fast acting drying effect. This means that once you apply these creams they feel as if they’re absorbed into your skin almost instantly, whereas they have just essentially dried out on our skin. Our creams are the opposite. They don’t have any water in sight (meaning that they also don’t need to have any preservatives in them either), and the rich oils and butters continue to nourish your skin once they are actually absorbed, in real time, and not just dried out on a surface layer.

Making the change over to our products can be a bit of a strange one, as it’s the opposite of what we are all used to when it comes to moisturizing our skin. But we can absolutely confirm that it will be the best decision you have ever made in regard to your skincare regime!

All you need to do is take about a pea sized amount of cream as a little bit does go a long way, smooth your hands together to melt the cream, and then apply to your desired area. The Grapefruit and Ylang Ylang moisturiser also works as a great primer on my makeup wearing days. I use slightly less than I would in the evening, and wait about 5 minutes, before applying my makeup on top! In the evening I like to apply a thicker layer of cream to really pamper myself, and make sure I take it all the way down my neck and chest too, as it is all delicate skin that deserves to be looked after and loved.

If you have oily skin and are worried that adding oil on oil will cause you to have a skin-trastrophy, then please don’t fret! Jojoba oil, which is one of our main ingredients, is a wonderful oil that does miracles for our skin. Jojoba oil’s chemical structure is incredibly close to the structure of our sebum; our skins natural oils. Jojoba oil is actually perfect for BOTH oily and dry skin, as it actually balances out oily skin OR increases the oil in dry skin! Brilliant! Both oily hair and oily skin are caused by overproduction of oil from the sebaceous glands, so by applying jojoba oil we are regulating the production of sebum, and in turn it can help to prevent acne, improve the suppleness and tone of the skin, heal scars and redness, help reduce inflammation and redness, and so much more.

We will continue to post more in regard to what is in our creams, and all of the amazing benefits each carefully selected ingredient offers, so watch this space!

Maddie x

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