Hello, one and all and thank you for joining us on this journey.

When my daughter and I set out to start Lilith Natural Beauty we had no idea we would get such an incredibly positive response for our products. We are of course thrilled with the results of our hard work and excited to share them with as many people as possible. But the outpouring of support, positivity and encouragement has been amazing and I would just like to say once again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Maddie and I have both been on a powerful healing journey, healing ourselves from diseases which are both serious and ‘incurable.’ Detoxifying our bodies has been a huge part of this. What we put on our skin is immediately absorbed into our bodies and so using ‘clean’ skincare is a powerful and important part of this cleansing process.

Last year, Maddie and I decided we had had enough. We were tired of scouring labels to be sure skin creams didn’t have animal products or nasty chemicals hidden amongst the ingredients. We were tired of paying through the nose for products that were unhealthy and we were tired of seeing our purchases boosting the share price of unethical multi-national corporations.

So, we started making our own skincare line, with the goal of using ethically sourced, natural ingredients that were 100% vegan and cruelty free. Initially, neither of us knew if they would even work but we were absolutely blown away by the results. Far from being worse, or even comparable to products we could buy off the shelves, we found our skin creams to be even more effective.

It’s such a wonderful feeling when your work reflects your values and even more so when those values get results. As the world continues to change and people everywhere search for things that will lessen their negative impact, we are so excited to be able to offer products that will fulfil their needs without poisoning their bodies or harming the environment.

We’re a small team right now, but we are hoping to expand and believe that one day, people everywhere in the UK, who care about their bodies, will be able to reach for a bottle of Lilith Natural Beauty and know that by doing so they are supporting themselves and the planet as a whole.

Thank you for being on this journey with us!


Sarah x

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