
Our creams are DIFFERENT!
Our creams are DIFFERENT!

If you have purchased some of our creams before, you will have noticed that they're unlike your conventional, shop bought products in quite a few ways. Texture in the jar, how they melt in your hands, that they dont "dry" instantly once you apply to your face/body,...

Let’s Get Some Skin In The Game!!
Let’s Get Some Skin In The Game!!

Yep, time to get real!!! Did you know that the skin is the largest organ of the body and what an interesting and amazing organ it is? It absorbs quite a bit of what we put on it, so we really should take care of our skin! This is what you must understand… The face and...

“Gluten-free & Vegan? Can you even eat anything?”
“Gluten-free & Vegan? Can you even eat anything?”

 Gluten free AND vegan?! Can you even eat anything? The simple answer is; yes. A lot. More than you'd probably think. Sure, sometimes it can be a bit of a faff. In terms of going out for a meal I usually have to look at the menu or ring up and inquire beforehand, my...

Sarah’s Healing Journey
Sarah’s Healing Journey

Hi again, It’s been a fantastic but busy week for us here at Lilith Natural Beauty. Maddie and I are hard at work mixing our next batch of creams ready for shipping, which just so happens to coincide with Maddie taking the plunge and moving in with her partner! I’m so...

How We Came To Be!
How We Came To Be!

Hello, one and all and thank you for joining us on this journey. When my daughter and I set out to start Lilith Natural Beauty we had no idea we would get such an incredibly positive response for our products. We are of course thrilled with the results of our hard...

Where It All Started
Where It All Started

As a family, we are a bit unusual. We left the UK in 2002 (Maddie, writing this post, was just 4 years old, and my brother James was 7) and moved to New Zealand. It was originally meant to start out as a 8ish month trip in a camper van around the country, however we...

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