Who is Lilith?

Who is Lilith? And why is she our branding? Everyone is familiar with the story of Adam and Eve, but did you know that Lilith was Adam’s first wife, before Eve was created? Neither did we…

So, why Lilith? Why has no one heard of her?

Lilith left the Garden of Eden after requesting that her and Adam were to be seen as equals. Adam thought this was a ghastly suggestion, of course. So, in turn, she refused to be subservient to him and left the garden despite the consequences. Adam did not want to be alone, and requested a more subservient woman from God; Eve.

Lilith was the first feminist, and over the centuries her representation was changed, and she was labelled as a demonic figure, someone who would kill your children, terrorise men in their nightmares, a chaotic figure of misfortune, so on and so forth! Sound familiar…?!

In reality, she was the first ever independent, strong woman, who embraced her divine feminine, sexuality, wisdom, and power. This is why we love her. 

We want our products to bring confidence and independence, to help people find their courage and power to live the lives they want to live, be who they want to be, and to be happy and feel beautiful in their own skin. Just like Lilith did.

About Us Two!

Welcome to a little bit about us! You may have read our small bio’s on the home page talking briefly about why we set up Lilith Natural Beauty! If you haven’t, that’s absolutely fine as we will be covering it in a bit more depth below!

As a family, we are a bit unusual. We left the UK in 2002 when Maddie was 4 and moved to New Zealand. It was originally meant to start out as an 8 month trip in a camper van around the country, however we fell in love with New Zealand and ended up officially settling in the North Island. We have a full blog post all about our life in New Zealand too.

It was in Shanghai where Sarah and Maddie started to become unwell. Hitting puberty is seemingly what triggered Maddie’s thyroid disorder, as at around the age of 13 her health took a turn for the worse. Chronic fatigue is what hit her the hardest and fastest, and anyone who suffers with chronic fatigue knows how soul destroying and draining it can be. There is a full blog post on this topic too.

All the while Maddie was suffering with her symptoms, so was Sarah. She was doing what any mother would do, and put her daughter first, and wanted to get to the bottom of Maddie’s health concerns, surpassing hers. Sarah was working full time whilst dealing with her own chronic fatigue, and only 6ish years later (Maddie was in the UK at this point whilst Sarah was still in Shanghai) she had the idea to get tested for the same thyroid disorder Maddie was diagnosed with. Surprise, surprise, she was diagnosed with the same illness!

Sarah read countless books, and spent hours and hours researching how to help Maddie, whilst she wasn’t doing so well herself. It was through this research that the most common and highly recommended thing to do, was to go gluten free! Maddie remembers when she was told that she needed to give up gluten at around 14/15.  She cried because WHAT ABOUT BREAD AND PASTA?!?!


Little did we know that this knowledge is what was going to be the biggest and most important turning point in our lives. It really opened up a whole new world of understanding and putting health first, learning about how important it is to be aware and cautious of what we put in AND on our bodies, awareness of chemical/heavy metal exposure, living a compassionate, health AND climate conscious lifestyle by going vegan, and SO MUCH MORE! It really opened a can of worms for us, and we wouldn’t change it for the world.

Things got pretty tough when Sarah was diagnosed with breast cancer, twice. The first time was in 2012, and the second time in 2016. As you can imagine, it was really hard on our whole family, especially the second time round.

Having the intuition that she did around natural healing it was very hard to submit to chemotherapy and radiation therapy but the doctors were certain that this would cure the cancer and it would never return. So, somewhat against her inner guidance and better judgement Sarah went through the tough process. Then, once it was all over she worked hard on eating more naturally, taking herbs and supplements as well as beginning a huge inner journey of changing beliefs, behaviours and habits. Whilst all of this really improved her Hashimoto’s, most disappointingly and worryingly the cancer returned! After a mastectomy the oncologist advised a harsh and rigorous regimen of chemotherapy. At this point, she faced a deeply challenging and terrifying choice! Should she once again go against her inner guidance and fundamental beliefs and follow the Doctor’s powerful recommendations, or follow her own path of natural healing?

Finally, and with the full support of her family she chose to ‘go it alone’ and trust in Mother Nature, her inner wisdom and the calling of her Higher Self.
Thankfully this is proving to have absolutely been the right choice for her.
More than 6 years after her second diagnosis, she is stronger, happier and healthier than ever before. Full of enthusiasm for the future and sharing an exciting and awesome vision with Maddie: to bring the message of Lilith and the power of nature to all those in need of a healthy and empowering alternative to those mass produced brands of ‘beauty’ products which are damaging the planet and possibly contributing to the ill health of many of us!
Join our revolution and remember; Always be Lilith, Never Eve.

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